The film focuses on the story of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity established in the late eighties by three Americans from Palestinian origin; Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi, and Mohammad El-Mezain. The charity provided humanitarian supplies and aid to the Palestinians in both Palestine and refugees hosting countries, becoming the largest Charity association in the US to distribute humanitarian aid to Palestinians.
Following the 09/11 attacks, there was a decision issued by the US President George W. Bush to shut down the Holy Land Foundation and freeze its assets, and in 2007 the trial began for the Holy Land Foundation and its five members who were accused of funding terrorism and sending money to Hamas. The first part of the film shows the details of the charges against the Foundation and its members, and the repercussions faced by them and their families as a result of these charges, and the details around the first trial.
Executive producer: Mohammed Alsaedi
Director: Mohammed Omar